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How To create Virus on notePad

NotePad Trick Hello! This is Arslan Iftikhar and you are Reading Way To IT Today i am going to Tell you the awesome trick of notepad to tease your friend,brother,sister It will work on windows xp\7\8\8.1\10 all that you have to do is to write this command {X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") } with out braces 1-know here X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") 'Message Description' is the message you want to type in the message box . 2-X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") here '0' is for the buttons on msg box like (ok\cancel\retry) 3-X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title") here '16' after 0 and + is the icon on the message box All the details for the buttons icons is given in description 1-Now here you can see i have already written one so i am going to copy it and paste it on notepad and save it as vbs file 2-now creates its shortcut leave the shortcut on the desktop and move the orignal one to somewhere else

Details For code

Write this code first- X=MsgBox("Message Description",0+16,"Title")

1. You can write any number from 1,2,3 or 4 instead of 0 (before the '+' symbol) Below is the meaning of these numbers:

0 = OK Button, 1 = OK / Cancel Button, 2 = Abort / Retry / Ignore Button, 3 = Yes / No / Cancel Button, 4 = Yes / No Button, 5 = Retry / Cancel Button

2. You can write 32 or 48 or 64 instead of 16. Below is the meaning of each number:

16 = Critical Icon, 32 = Help Icon, 48 = Warning Icon, 64 = Information Icon,

If you have trouble while writing code here is the sample:

just copy it and paste it on notePad save it as VBS and change Icon now you are done.


X=MsgBox("Error while opening This PC .Do you want to fix it?",3+16,"Windows 10 TroubleShooter") X=MsgBox("Cannot fix it.Do you wan to run Antivirus Scan",1+64,"Error") X=MsgBox("Virus is detected.Do you want to remove Virus?",4+48,"Virus Alert") X=MsgBox("Cannot Remove Virus.Do you want to connect Microsoft server for help",3+64,"Alert") X=MsgBox("Access Denied.",5+48,"Alert") X=MsgBox("Virus is activated . Do you wan to stop it ",4+48,"Virus Alert") X=MsgBox("Unable is to deactivate Virus",5+48,"Crtical Error ") X=MsgBox("Locking your sytem files",1+48,"Locking Files") X=MsgBox("copying your sytem files to hack server ",2+16,"Files Transfer") X=MsgBox("File transfering Process is completed ",3+16,"Completed") X=MsgBox("Copying your Password .Do you wan to Stop it ?",3+16,"Hacking ") X=MsgBox("Your computer is Hacked",5+16,"Hacked") X=MsgBox("If you want to stop it send 10000000000000000$ To account NA ",4+64,"Want Access To computer") X=MsgBox("It was Joke.Delete this This PC Icon and add it from desktop Icon setting",0+64,"Sorry") X=MsgBox("Your computer is Free",0+64,"Have Fun")


Arslan Iftikhar

3-change the icon and remove the orignal computer icon

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